Three Year Old Kindergarten Eligibility

Children attend this program in the year prior to attending their four year old funded year.

A child is eligible for 3 year old kindergarten, if they turn 3 years of age by the 30 April the year of attendance. The child must turn 3 before they can commence at kindergarten. As every child is different, we encourage you to carefully consider the year your child commences 3-year-old kindergarten as this may have an impact on the year they commence school. There is no second year of funded 3 year old kindergarten.


Four Year Old Kindergarten Eligibility

Children attend this program in the year before they attend school

A child is eligible to attend a four-year-old state-funded kindergarten program when they turn four on or before 30th April in the year before they attend school

Families of children whose fourth birthday falls in the months of January to April are encouraged to speak with staff about when they plan to send their child to kindergarten. Children normally receive one year of funded kindergarten. A second funded year may be available if children have two areas of developmental delay and it is believed that a second year of kindergarten will be of benefit to them.

To Apply

Enrolments are managed by Banyule Council. Registrations must be made online at:

Families may register their child from the first business day in March, the year before a child is eligible to attend. Please follow this link for more information:

Kindergarten offers are sent out in mid-July via email and the parent portal.

Please contact Banyule Council on 9490 4222 if you experience any difficulties registering. 

Please Note: Attendance in our three year old program does not give automatic entry to our four year old program. 


3 & 4 year old kindergarten programs are now fully funded by the state government. There will be no out of pocket fee charged to families (with the exception of charges which may be required to meet the cost of special events or excursions planned during the kindergarten year).

You can only accept a funded kindergarten place at one kindergarten service at any one time.

Apollo Parkways Pre-School

A great place to learn through play

31 Plenty River Drive, Greensborough 3088

Phone:  03 9435 8752
